Newsletter Archives

Jan 18, 2025

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"Meet Easter Elizabeth, Director of Governance and Control"

Elisabeth Valerio, TAF CEO

The Director of Governance and Control of The African Federation, Easter Elizabeth Ogweno from Kenya explains how our Country Chapters are organised. To know more about TAF, visit the TAF Website

Our theme for the month of August is
What has democracy meant for Africa

As we conclude our exploration of democracy in Africa, this final week we will examine why Western democracy has struggled to take root in Africa while succeeding in places like India and other regions. We will also present The African Federation’s preliminary position on what democracy has truly meant for Africa, offering insights into its impact, limitations and potential for the future.

What has democracy meant for Africa

This month's Policy Paper will illuminate the true meaning of democracy for Africa. Join us in this collaborative endeavor as we find out how democratic principles have influenced governance, shaped societies across the continent and whether democracy is truly working for us.

Visit the TAF Online Community to read what we have gathered so far and share comments.

Our Values - Pride in African Culture

All Africans must have the freedom to practise the religion of their choice without persecution or prejudice, so long as this is done in a manner which doesn’t sow and nurse seeds of discord among African people, and is never at the cost of sweepingly discrediting our own African ways and beliefs. We acknowledge, embrace and jealously preserve the uplifting aspects of our rich cultural heritage and despise aspects that undermine our humanity and development.

For more information, please visit our website here

Mark Ssansa

Mark Ssansa is the Regional Head of Chapters for East Africa at TAF. He is from Uganda and is responsible for the chapter development in East Africa so that by 2050, Africa will be a superpower, for the many rather than the few. 

Have you registered on the TAF website?
If you haven't already done so, register with the African Federation on our website. There is no cost to register. You can also choose your Focus Unit and Chapter or manage your Profile, Photo, Biography on the TAF online community once you have registered.

Register with TAF

Want to volunteer with TAF?
TAF Focus Units continue to 
seek volunteers for their Heads of Research, Engagement, Communication and Support Units. Visit the Volunteer page on the TAF website for details and to apply.

Head of Research & Policy: Responsible for research-driven implementable-policy development, policy prioritisation, research integrity & quality, inter-Focus Unit research & policy coordination and thought leadership. Requires relevant policy-sector experience.

Head of Engagement: Responsible for impactful delivery of external engagement with & through policy development & implementation stakeholders (including members & partners and TAF commercial business models), inter-Focus Unit engagement coordination and thought leadership. Requires relevant, but not specific policy-sector, experience.

Head of Communications: Responsible for internal & external communications (incl. brand, strategy & execution) for the Focus Unit and intra-TAF coordination. Requires relevant, but not specific policy-sector, experience.

Head of Support Unit: Responsible for strategic & operational finance, governance & controls, legal and HR. Requires relevant, but not specific policy-sector, experience.

Deputy CEO: Responsible for coordination & prioritisation of leadership team & unit activities. Requires organisation or large team management experience.

About The African Federation
The African Federation (TAF) is a new and distinct pan-African organization formed through a collaboration of Africa’s people and founded for the youth of tomorrow. We are inspired by our common values, principles, and an ideology that promotes inter-African cooperation and pan Africanism. We are determined to restore the unity, prosperity, and sovereignty of Africa so that by 2050, Africa will be a superpower for the many, rather than the few.

Find out more about the African Federation here:

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