Newsletter Archives

Jan 18, 2025

Watch the video "Why TAF is Needed"
find out more on the TAF Website

Why TAF is Needed 

The idea of inter-African cooperation and Pan Africanism is long over due. What has not yet been successfully answered is how we will achieve it. This TAF global virtual event titled "Why is TAF Needed" focuses on the solution, a global organisation which aims to redeem our continent and reinstate the sovereignty for Africa’s people.

Our theme for the month of March is
Africa Can Feed Itself

Help us shape the narrative on Africa's agricultural potential and challenges by contributing to the TAF Policy Paper on "Africa Can Feed Itself." Your insights into the obstacles and successes of agricultural development across the continent are vital in crafting a comprehensive perspective that reflects Africa's diverse experiences.

Africa Can Feed Itself

This policy paper aims to unite us in our shared goal of ensuring food sovereignty for the continent, celebrating the diversity of agricultural practices, and highlighting the resilience of African farmers and communities. Your participation not only enriches the document but also reinforces the collaborative spirit inherent in our Pan-African ethos.

Visit the TAF Online Community to read what we have gathered so far and add your comments or tell us what is missing.

Why our Assembly is critical to TAF's Mission

In restoring the unity, prosperity and sovereignty of African countries, one critical element will be - in due course - developing an effective Assembly, the most senior governance organ of TAF. Given that the Purpose of TAF is to faithfully, transparently & systematically amplify & reconcile the voice and story of all that is African (with a special emphasis on youth), in order to achieve our Vision, TAF is committed to developing a system of representative governance in order to give this purpose maximum effect in the composition of our Assembly.

As currently envisaged by 2028, our 56+ country & nation chapters and regions will elect some 250 representatives to the Assembly, led by our Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Rapporteur, and each serving to the greatest extent possible the broadest regional and national constituencies. Our Assembly will be responsible for ensuring that TAF remains true to its founding pan-African spirit and the principles and objectives of our charter, reflecting the voice of African people in our strategy and objectives, and for electing our Cabinet.

Beyond its oversight responsibility, our Assembly - as the manifestation of the voice of Africans - will form a coherent, united, powerful, Pan-African force for change. In advocating for and initiating the changes we seek, it will wield both the policy substance precision of our five Focus Units and the express mandate of TAF members across our 56+ country & nation chapters.

For more information about how TAF is organised, please visit: How TAF is Organised

16 March 2024
TAF Uganda Chapter Zoom Event
Is Corruption in Uganda Limiting Food Self-Sufficiency?
7pm CAT | 8pm EAT
The African Federation, through its Focus Unit, TAF Governance, is committed to combating corruption at all levels and restoring integrity to many government institutions. Their goal is to encourage the successful implementation of government programs. On Saturday, March 16th, TAF Uganda will host a discussion exploring how corruption in Uganda is hindering the country's ability to achieve food self-sufficiency.

TAF Uganda Zoom Event

Have you registered on the TAF website?

If you haven't already done so, register with the African Federation on our website. There is no cost to register. You can also choose your Focus Unit and Chapter or manage your Profile, Photo, Biography on the TAF online community once you have registered.

Register with TAF

Want to volunteer with TAF?
The TAF Narrative Focus Unit 
seeks volunteers for Head of Production, Distribution, Engagement, and Support Units. Visit the Volunteer page on the TAF website for details and to apply.

Head of Production: Develop & execute content strategy; source diverse narratives; collaborate with historians; podcast & content creation; work with external partners. Requirements: Proven experience in content creation, storytelling, or podcast production; strong research & storytelling skills; creative mindset.

Head of Distribution: Develop & execute content distribution strategy; collaborate with internal & external partners. Requirements: Proven experience in content distribution; strong research & storytelling skills; creative mindset.

Head of Engagement: Implement social media & community engagement strategies; lead evaluation activities; coordinate with Production & Distribution Heads. Requirements: Proven experience in community engagement; familiarity with monitoring & evaluation; creative mindset.

Head of Support Unit: Develop & promote operating procedures; oversee financial reporting & budgeting; provide financial guidance. Requirements: Proven experience in financial management, including governance roles.

About The African Federation
The African Federation (TAF) is a new and distinct pan-African organization formed through a collaboration of Africa’s people and founded for the youth of tomorrow. We are inspired by our common values, principles, and an ideology that promotes inter-African cooperation and pan Africanism. We are determined to restore the unity, prosperity, and sovereignty of Africa so that by 2050, Africa will be a superpower.

Find out more about the African Federation here:

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