CHARTER: Our charter will set out our pan-African spirit, principles and objectives in the service of Africa and Africans. Amongst other things, it will also set out the structure, election process, responsibilities and requirements of our Assembly to ensure that the voices of African people are at the heart of the governance and strategy overseen by our Cabinet. We expect to publish our draft charter in 2024.
ASSEMBLY: Election of Assembly members and its chairperson will be in accordance with our charter. With members serving to the greatest extent possible the broadest regional and national constituencies, the Assembly will be responsible for ensuring that The African Federation remains true to the pan-African spirit, principles and objectives of our charter, reflecting the voice of African people in our strategy and objectives, and for electing the Cabinet. The most recent list of launch phase Assembly members will be available on our website in due course.
CABINET: The Cabinet will be composed of the Executive Committee and non-executive members. The non-executive Cabinet members, including its chairperson, will be appointed by the Assembly, to whom the Cabinet will be accountable, in accordance with our charter. The Cabinet will be responsible for approval and oversight of execution of strategic plans and for approval of major deviations therefrom, for approval of all senior executive appointments and for oversight of robust organisational governance and controls. Cabinet will delegate management of the organisation to the Executive Committee and may defer certain decisions to the Assembly. The most recent list of launch phase non-executive central Cabinet members will be available on our website in due course.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Led by a CEO, the Executive Committee will be appointed by our Cabinet, to whom it and they will be accountable, in accordance with our charter. The Executive Committee will be responsible for delegated management of the organisation, and execution of plans and delivery of objectives approved by the Cabinet.
The pre-Launch phase central Executive Committee members are currently:
Elisabeth Valerio, CEO
Teresa Muliro, Global Head of Focus Units
Kidist Birru, Head of Central Communications
Peter Eyamu, Global Head of Chapters
Musanjufu Benjamin, CEO of TAF Narrative
Dylan Munashe Dzenga, CEO of TAF Environment
Tesfaye Eshetu, CEO of TAF Academy
Easter Elizabeth, Head of Governance & Controls
Sydney Lidede, Head of Finance & Treasury
COUNTRY CHAPTERS: Our Country Chapters form the skeletal and central nervous system infrastructure of TAF to carry and develop our Focus Unit muscle in every country in Africa. In accordance with our charter and to the extent permissible in each jurisdiction, Chapter governance will include a similarly structured Assembly, Cabinet & Executive Committee and a Focus Unit organisation. More...
FOCUS UNITS: Our 5 Focus Units (Governance, Economy, Environment, Wellness and Narrative) will develop thought leadership positions within their scopes. Operating at TAF and Chapter levels, these units will be coordinated but otherwise autonomous. Their leadership will be responsible for unit-level objectives, activities & impact which are integrated & aligned with those of TAF at a global level. More...