TAF Uganda
TAF Uganda

TAF Uganda

TAF Uganda is one of the various country Chaptes of The African Federation. This is the first TAF Chapter to soft launch. Our Country Chapters will form the skeletal and central nervous system infrastructure of TAF to carry and develop our Focus Unit muscle in every country in Africa. In accordance with our charter and to the extent permissible in each jurisdiction, Chapter governance will include an Assembly, Cabinet & Executive Committee structure and a Focus Unit organisation reflecting those at a TAF global level. 

Our Vision
The full restoration of a vibrant, united and prosperous Africa

Our Mission
To champion unity and prosperity for the African continent by promoting sustainable and authentic systems of governance, economy, wellness, environment, health and narrative and the full restoration of sovereignty for future generations.

TAF Uganda Headquarters
TAF Uganda will be headquartered in the city of Kampala due to its strategic location and interest, also being a mother city with low hanging fruits in terms of higher population, congested learning institutions for fastest membership growth.

Membership Recruitement and growth
TAF will spread wings across other cities in the four regions of the country as soon as hard launch is done this is after capacity building in terms of resources and manpower.

Identifying issues and solutions
Our 5 major focus units will play a significant role in identifying issues affecting our people across Ugandan communities and deriving accurate solutions to the existing problems.

Ugandan chapter intends to engage with Ugandan communities across all levels to embrace the vision and mission of TAF for Uganda and Africa at large. Engagements will take place through focus unit activities, partnership with community stakeholders, civil societies operational within communities, community authorities, among others.

Partnerships with relevant entities/bodies/organisations whom we share with the same objectives will be of great importance in boosting the chapter’s resources and enabling its operation with ease.

Membership Recruitement
Membership recruitment shall be based on specific criteria known as segmentation through demographics, sex, age, social class, geography, among others. Our major target is learning institutions such as campuses and high schools since we are targeting potential youths.

Leadership Team Recruitement
Leadership Team recruitment shall be expertise and professional based. This will enable us to get the right skills/techniques necessary for running specific units capable of responding to challenges proportionately with the right skill/knowledge.

Intensifying chapter’s promotion through reliable chapter channels such as social media platforms, individual handles, and personal invites.

Social Media
Opening/establishment of the chapter’s social media channels for easy promotion of chapter’s engagements/events/activities.

Currently, Uganda chapter has leadership positions filled;

Peter Eyamu - Country Chapter Head

Mallion Mandela - Head of Support Units

Kule Expeditol - Head of Communications


Country Chapter Focus units also have leadership as follows;

Peter Eyamu - Head of Focus Units

Irider Atuhaise - Deputy Head of Focus Units

Bwambale Ronald - TAF Governance Representative

Brian Opiyo - TAF Economy Representative

Joshua Katurebe - TAF Environment Representative

Esther Apio - TAF Wellness Representative

Charles Nevile - TAF Narrative Representative

Uganda also has active membership amounting to over 25 members yet to validated after the soft launch.


Create your TAF profile
Register here to create and manage your profile and photo on the TAF portal. You will be able to update your biography, view member only communication, and more.

Select your Focus Areas
When you indicate on your profile that you are interested in a particular focus area, TAF representatives from your chosen focus area(s) will be able to communicate directly with you, invite you to events and share web-based tools & content to support dialogue, collaboration & communication.

Choose Your Country Chapter
TAF is currently in its pre-Launch phase. As Country Chapters are formed, you will be invited to engage in the activities of your Chapter. However, if you are motivated to lead or support the formation of the Chapter in your country, please email us at support@theafricafederation.org.

Access News and Updates
We will send you periodic updates and information so you're always informed about TAF events and activities.

TAF does not re-distribute or sell information provided by you


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