Values & Principles of the African Federation

The principles and values that underpin the African Federation will have a crucial impact on the effectiveness of the organisation and our ability to deliver the mission and vision of TAF. Consequently, this was one of the first collective efforts we undertook during the pre-launch phase of the African Federation.

Unity in our Diversity
We acknowledge as Pan Africans that we are different, yet we are one. We seek unity, not uniformity. We believe that all Africans are our brothers and sisters regardless of their tribe, the language they speak; their skin tone; or whether they live today at home or in a foreign land. We are indeed still brothers and sisters, born of and into one African family. It is the strength of our extended family that will enable us to unite and redeem our home. We recognize that racism, tribalism and many other divisive isms have created barriers and caused us unquantifiably colossal losses. We must unite so that our enemies and detractors can no longer leverage those divisions to undermine us.

Youth Empowerment
We celebrate all that is authentically African, especially our youth and children. We start early to instil in them our cherished values, teaching them the lessons from our ancestors, our culture, art, literature, education. As a way to enable sustainability, we are laser focused on empowering our children through educating them to become the very best versions of themselves.

Leadership & Ownership
Africa must be restored by Africans. No other nation will work to support our mission of becoming a powerful global force. Many will work against it so we must own with steely resolve, an unwavering commitment to securing the Africa we want, one that can neither be despised nor bullied. We must lead at the frontlines of our restoration, individually, and collectively. As African people, we are not unified for purposes of taking a stand against any other nation(s) or race but against anyone who intends or whose actions serve to possess the Africa that is ours.

Democratic Participation in the Spirit of Ubuntu
Communal efforts for the welfare and benefit of the community encourage us to work together to achieve more than can be done individually. We emphasise democratic participation imbued with the spirit of ubuntu in decision making at all levels. I am because you are.

Pride in African Culture
All Africans must have the freedom to practise the religion of their choice without persecution or prejudice, so long as this is done in a manner which doesn’t sow and nurse seeds of discord among African people, and is never at the cost of sweepingly discrediting our own African ways and beliefs. We acknowledge, embrace and jealously preserve the uplifting aspects of our rich cultural heritage and despise aspects that undermine our humanity and development.

Economic Empowerment
Without economic empowerment everything falls apart. This is the thread with which we weave the fabric of our relevance on the world stage. This is one of the core pillars of what we hope to accomplish.


We value and responsibly steward, preserve and improve everything we have received, from the environment to the true version of our history and culture. It is a debt we owe to our children and the next generation, a debt we cannot default on, a debt we must pay forward.

We cherish and value our diversity in origins and thought, while leveraging the same towards achieving the mission of The African Federation.

Reach Out to Build Bridges
We are intentional in reaching out to build bridges for the advancement of our vision and mission. All that we do as Africans must move us closer towards the reunification of The African Federation, a united African nation unrestrained, uncompromised and undivided; for we know that the splinters and splitting of our lands was imposed upon us only to bring conflict and weaken us. Through bridge building we shall not be subject to the exploits of those that want what belongs to us. As African people, we are not against people of foreign origin living in or out of our Africa, contributing to Africa’s development, so long as they do so without violating the laws of our lands and in compliance with our pan-African principles.

Enable Civic Responsibility
With a focus on the common good, we believe in collective participation and working in partnership to acheive total citizens' engagement in the public life of a community. This includes all citizens across the board, from the youngest of our children to leaders and government.

Uphold Trust & Transparency
Unblemished transparency and the bond of solid trust are the bedrock of our activities and operations. With everything we have and are; with all we can summon we use the light of transparency to expel the darkness of corruption wherever it may be found on our land and in our operations.

Secure Freedom of Movement in Africa
We tirelessly work towards securing rights for freedom of movement and freedom to do business on the continent; in line with the laws of the land.

Achieve Sustainable Economic Empowerment
We believe in economic advancement and the power of technology to drive our nation forward and to this end we will leverage modern science for the progress of Africa, while leveraging, strengthening, and elevating our own traditions and indigenous experiences for development.

Govern Locally with Eyes on Africa
We believe the people of Africa should have the right to live in accordance with our own customs and culture, choosing our own leaders. As such, ours will be an unrestrictive Federation in which the people choose leaders of their own to oversee local governance based on the wishes of local people. The African Federation therefore will have no jurisdiction over any one local administration or its resources, but equally represents and protects the interests of all African realms, regardless of size. When we bring together all African forces and resources as one, Africa is powerful, independent and free.

Learn What Works
To forge a robust and empowered Africa, we learn from what works and what doesn’t work. We look back for historical lessons, applying them to what we know today.