Africa Can Feed Itself

Section 8 : Investment and financing


Securing adequate investment and financing is paramount for Africa to achieve food self-sufficiency. This requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the diverse needs of the agricultural sector and ensures equitable access to financial resources.

Firstly, increasing both public and private sector investment in agriculture is essential. Governments must prioritise allocating sufficient funds to support agricultural development initiatives, including infrastructure improvements, research and development, and extension services. In tandem with this, creating an enabling environment for private sector investment through incentives, regulatory reforms, and public-private partnerships can mobilise additional resources to drive innovation and productivity in the agricultural value chain.

Access to financing for smallholder farmers and agribusinesses is critical for driving inclusive growth and reducing poverty. Financial instruments such as microcredit, savings and loan associations, and agricultural insurance can help mitigate risks and provide essential capital for investment in inputs, equipment, and technology. Leveraging digital technologies and mobile banking could also help expand financial inclusion and reach underserved rural communities. Furthermore, supporting indigenous financial systems like Rotating Savings and Credit Associations that are common in many african communities, community-based savings groups, informal money lenders (ajala in west africa, mashonisas in southern africa), livestock banking in pastoralist communities, etc, that are insulated from foreign influence, is crucial for ensuring Africa's agricultural sector remains resilient and self-reliant, capable of catering to the continent's diverse food needs.

International cooperation and partnerships are also vital for mobilising external financing and technical assistance to support agricultural development in Africa. Engaging with multilateral institutions, bilateral donors, and philanthropic organisations can unlock resources for large-scale infrastructure projects, technology transfer, and capacity-building initiatives. Additionally, promoting sustainable investment practices that prioritise environmental conservation, social inclusion, and economic resilience can ensure long-term viability and impact.

Strategic investments coupled with supportive policies and governance reforms are essential for realising this vision and achieving sustainable agricultural transformation across the continent.


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